Pakistan's Foreign Policy: An Abridgement Of Internal And External Determinants

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Mairaj ul Hamid , Dr. Saira Aquil, Mubarakzeb, Salman Khan , Faisal Zaman , Hamza


Pakistan's foreign policy is shaped by a myriad of internal and external determinants that influence its strategic decisions and diplomatic engagements. Internally, factors such as the country's history, geography, domestic politics, economy, ideology and societal dynamics play a crucial role in shaping its foreign policy objectives. Externally, global and regional geopolitical dynamics, bilateral and multilateral relationships, and security concerns also significantly impact Pakistan's foreign policy choices. This article provides an abridged overview of the key internal and external determinants that shape Pakistan's foreign policy. It delves into the historical context of Pakistan's formation and how its early years as a newly independent state influenced its foreign policy outlook. The article further discusses Pakistan's domestic political landscape, including the role of civilian and military leadership, political ideologies, and public opinion, in shaping its foreign policy decisions. It explores how regional dynamics and security concerns, including the Kashmir dispute with India and the threat of terrorism, impact Pakistan's foreign policy choices. Moreover, the article analyzes Pakistan's economic considerations and how they influence its foreign policy, including trade and investment relationships, development aid, and international financial institutions. It also discusses Pakistan's societal dynamics, including religious and cultural factors, and their impact on its foreign policy objectives.

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