Language Learning Strategy Preferences Of ESL Undergraduate Students: A Case From Pakistan
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Learning is a complex process which deals with the external interaction, environment and internal mental mechanisms. Chamot (1987) defines the process as “learning strategies are processes, techniques, approaches and actions that students take to facilitate the learning and recall of both linguistic and content area information”. The present paper examines the preferences of Language Learning Strategies of undergraduate ESL learners majoring in English. The study tries to investigate the association between the strategies preferred by ESL learners and their language proficiency. The participants of this study are 191 undergraduate students enrolled in Undergraduate English Programs BS English and MA English programs at two public sector universities in Karachi. An adapted self-report questionnaire (SILL; Oxford, 1990) “Strategy Inventory of Language Learning version 7.0” for EFL / ESL contexts is administered for collection of data. The findings of the study show the differences in the Strategies used by the learners securing maximum and minimum CGPA. The former primarily engages in Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies and show less inclination for Compensatory and Affective Strategies. On the contrary, the less successful learners tend to use Compensatory and Affective Strategies and show less preference for Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies. The result of study can be beneficial for both the ESL learners and teachers.