Persistent Depressive Disorder: A Case Study Characterized By Lost Inside Of Self
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The article spins around a 45 years old male, had done MA (Urdu,) and a Fax operator 1st born among 4 siblings and married came with the complaints of worrisome thoughts, difficulty in making decisions, restlessness, headache, sadness, fatigue, guilt, helplessness and lack of concentration since last three years. The patient was diagnosed as suffering from “persistent Depressive Disorder “according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM 5). Bad Economic condition was the highest factor to provoke persistent Depression. The psychological assessment includes formal and informal assessment. Informal assessment included; Semi structure interview, Behavioral observation, Subjective Ratings of Presenting Complaints and Daily Thought Record. Formal Assessment included: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) techniques were used according to the client’s symptoms to manage the severity of the symptoms as well these were: Psychoeducation, Deep breathing, daily thought record, vertical decent, ABC model, cognitive restructuring, assigning worry time, guilt resolution, problem solving technique, and mindfulness, deep breathing and 16 progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). According to psychological assessment after treatment and according to subjective ratings of presenting complaints the patient reported approximate 70% improvement in his condition. The results were proven from the pre and post rating of the assessment scales.