Telecommuting working condition due to COVID19 and its Effect to EmployeesJob Satisfaction Level.
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During COVID19 series of lockdowns were implemented all over Oman to control the overwhelming
infections while companies were struggling how to continue the business operation. Telecommuting
was the only option of many companies, but the challenge was how this arrangement will affect the
level of job satisfaction. This study examined how telecommuting condition will affect the employees
job satisfaction level. This employed thru online survey and captured 150 employees from different
organizations. The variables perceived evaluative, cognitive, and affective component. Result showed
that telecommuting has both positive and negative impact to the level of employees’ job satisfaction, it
was also found out that partly the management plays a very important role in increasing the satisfaction
level would it be work form home or work from the site. In evaluative component was generally rated
unsatisfied due to lack of support in terms of incentives from the management, while was generally
rated as agree which indicated that in terms of recognition and feedbacks the management were very
supportive however, in this component management have limited in providing trainings and seminars
to their employees in which it is very useful to train the employees for the new technology or system
being used those days. With regards to affective components findings revealed that employees were
tented to be agreed on the theory that they can move, do, and perform better while working from home,
however the anxiety is true due to lack of interaction with other colleagues. These findings and
implications are clearly defined that generally working from home is significantly changed the level of
job satisfaction pattern as perceived by the employees