To Determine The Effect Of Cervical Muscle Fatigue And Its Correlation With Visual Acuity
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Background: Balance of Posture and visual accuracy rely on the input from the visual-vestibular and somatosensory units that are processed through CNS. Faulty information will result in a discrepancy of information that will lead to an imbalance of postural and visual stability. Objective: To determine the correlation between cervical muscle fatigue and visual acuity. Methods: 36 participants with ages ranging from 21-30 years were selected and divided into experimental and the control group respectively. Both groups ' fatigue levels and dynamic visual Acuity (DVA) were assessed before intervention. The dynamic visual acuity was to be assessed with and without induction of fatigue. Group A (the experimental group) had neck fatigue induction using the neck endurance test (NET) for both flexors and extensors, while Group B performed sham exercises that produced no fatigue. The Fatigue level and DVA were assessed immediately after the intervention. Results: there was a notable difference in the experimental and control group when the visual acuity was measured. The participants in the experimental group showed a remarkable decrease in visual acuity as compared to the other group. The result also showed a strong correlation between muscle fatigue and dynamic visual acuity (r=.642). Conclusion: A positive correlation was noted between cervical muscle fatigue and visual acuity.
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