Emotional Intelligence, Resilience And University Adjustment Of Students: Gender Based Comparative Study
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Present study aims to investigate the gender difference between Emotional Intelligence, Resilience and University adjustment of students. For the same purpose it was postulated that; there will be a significant gender difference between emotional intelligence of students, resilience of students and, university adjustments of students. For this reason total 300 university students (mean age = 21.31, SD= 2.00) Â studying in graduate and postgraduate degree programs were selected. Once approached after approval from higher authorities participants were given informed consent form. After their consent they were presented with demographic information form followed by Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (Schutte et al,. 1998), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10-item version (Campbell-Sills & Stein, 2007) and Adjustment scale (Weber &Kaya, 2003). For the statistical analysis t-test was utilized to analyze the data. Data analysis indicates significant Gender differences among Emotional intelligence and University Adjustment of Students. Results showed that female students scored higher on Emotional Intelligence and University Adjustment as compare to males. Moreover, no significant gender differences were found in Resilience level of male and female students. Further, Emotional Intelligence subscale analysis reveals significant gender difference on subscale of Perception of Emotions, Managing own Emotions, Managing others Emotions and Utilization of Emotion; females scored higher than males. Likewise, analysis of University Adjustment subscales reveals that significant gender difference was found on subscale of Social Adjustment, Personal Adjustment and Academic Adjustment where females were better adjusted as compare to males.