How Effective Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy On Women Living In Low- And Middle-Income Countries With Postnatal Depression: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis
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Throughout the entire world, depression is the main factor in mortality as well as general incapacity. The greatest reason of incapacity worldwide, according to the WHO, seems to be depression. There is a significant gap in the study on mental wellbeing in Low and middle - income, in which over than 80 percent of the world's population presently resides. By using EPDS ratings from the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, the study's objectives are to determine how receiving cognitive behavioural treatment for postpartum depression impacts women in lower - middle as well as middle nations. Method:5 studies with randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that were performed in English throughout 2000 and 2021 were included in this search strategy. The findings demonstrated that all five publications analyzed the EPDS scale's average scores for the CBT and control subjects. The experimental technique used was the IV, Randomized, 95 percentage CI standardised difference in means. After Cognitive Behavioral Therapy session from both groups, the results showed that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was more effective than no Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Cohen's d=-2.02, 95% CI= [-4.00, -0.04], P=0.05). Conclusions: In general, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was thought to provide adequate alleviation for the mental conditions that PND patients experienced also contributed to better short-term results, lowering the prevalence of postnatal depression.