The Effect Of Multiliteracies Scientific Model Based On Self-Regulated Learning On Students’ Self Efficacy Science
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In addition to equipping students with knowledge, education also aims to provide various valuable skills in entering the 21st century today. One aspect that is the focus of educators and researchers is self-efficacy. The concept of self-efficacy is a concept related to the belief of each individual to achieve the expected goals. Self-efficacy is considered an essential role because it is related to students' academic performance. This study aims to determine the effect of the scientific multiliteracy learning model on students' self-efficacy. This study used a quasi-experimental design involving 30 students from class X at the high school level. The instrument used in this study was a self-efficacy questionnaire consisting of 6 aspects, namely: (1) conceptual understanding, (2) high-level cognitive, (3) laboratory practicum, (4) application in daily life, (5) science communication, and (6) scientific literacy. The data collected from the pretest and posttest questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively using SPSS version 20 software. The results showed a significant positive effect of the scientific multiliteracy learning model on increasing students' science self-efficacy at the high school level.