An Impact Of Dialaogic Teaching On Undergraduate Students’ Critical Thinking Perception In The Subject Of Educational Planning And Financing
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This study recognized the impact of dialogic teaching methods (group discussion and Socratic dialogue) on undergraduate students' critical thinking perception and social interaction. The purpose of the study based on qualitative research approach through the use of action research whereby the participants were taken into of two non-equivalent groups of undergraduate students in the field of education who were selected by purposeful sampling (N=60). Data was collected using researchers validated open-ended interview. It was seven systematic theme-based interviews, following ten questions from evaluation of the education, evaluation of the interactions and the combination of both a & b i.e. overall evaluation. After imposition of group discussion and Socratic dialogue), on the topics taken from the subject of Educational Planning and Financing, two of these methods were used in seventh semester of B.Ed. (Elementary) (4 years programme), from a public sector university. Participants were interviews of both groups which was conducted by the researcher at the end of semester to see the perceptions / reflections about the subject matter. In order to label the themes/constructs, rightly taken from the collected data from the interviewees, it was interpreted, then. The result highlighted the impact of dialogic teaching methods towards improving the critical thinking perceptions of participants i.e. analyzing / analyticity, cognitive maturity level, Self-confidence, self-Awareness / Self-evaluation, mindfulness/open-mindedness, seeking-truth, and likewise, social interaction was all about to know each other individually, closer friendship and intimacy, working tendency for dialogue, sheer responsibility, mechanized class format, social interaction with teacher, intimate-instruction centered.