Identification Of Students’ Learning Difficulties In English About Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary And Comprehension At Grade Eight

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Jam Muhammad Zafar , Sumaira Nazir , Naseer Ahmad Shahid , Naeem Ullah


The study entitled, “Identification of Students Learning difficulties in English related to Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary and Comprehension at Grade Eight”. Objectives of the study were to determine the reading difficulties in English language learning at Grade and to identify reading difficulties in English language learning in at Elementary Level. The study was survey and descriptive in nature. The quantitative research method was adopted. Population of the study comprised of head teachers, teachers and students at Grade Eight. The simple random sampling technique was adopted. The questionnaire was developed as a research tool and pilot tested to make it valid and reliable. The researcher personally visited the selected schools and collected data. The collected data was analyzed through SPSS 24 using relevant statistical formulas as; percentages, frequency, mean score and standard deviation. Findings of the study were 58% of respondents opined that most of learners recognized English letters. Mean score 4.25 and SD .622 supported. 58% of respondents agreed that they were not familiar with English phonemes. Mean score 3.25 and SD .965 supported the statement. 75% of respondents agreed that students faced challenge of consonant sounds. Majority of respondents agreed that students faced challenge of consonant sounds. Mean score 3.25 and SD .965 supported the statement. 50% of respondents agreed that they struggled with vowel sounds. As a whole majority of respondents agreed that they struggled with vowel sounds. Mean score 3.75 and SD 1.215 supported the statement. The study concluded that majority of teachers agreed that students would recognize English letters. Majority of respondents recognized English letters. It was concluded that majority of respondents agreed to know English phonemes. Majority of respondents knew about English phonemes. The study recommended that reading comprehension must be promoted even though vocabulary signifies both conceptual and linguistic information; conceptual information is wider than vocabulary information. Especially, vocabulary and comprehension, neglected in elementary education, still come into view to be neglected in classrooms. Teacher has to spend conscious efforts by a reader to better understand or remember what is being read.

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