Developing South Middle Timor Local Wisdom Based Geometry Learning Material To Improve Students’ Learning Outcome
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Contextual learning is a necessity for elementary school students to understand geometry material studied. This learning model is achievable if the learning components contain contextual approach. However, it was found in fields that textbooks schools used were not in accordance with the context of environment, culture and students’ characteristics. Responding this, developing teaching material based on local wisdom which is one of the innovations in the development of teaching material with a contextual approach was considered necessary. This is needed by students to help them as mathematics learning begins from concrete things and on the other side helps preserve local culture, particularly South Middle Timor region. This study aimed to determine the feasibility, practicality, effectiveness and attractiveness of geometry teaching material based on TTS local wisdom. This was a development research using ADDIE model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stage. In analysis and design stage, data of students’ and teachers’ needs of teaching material were collected as well as information about South Middle Timor local wisdom related to mathematics learning and also designing teaching material. In development stage, researcher involved material experts, linguists and media experts in order to produce valid teaching material. In implementation stage, a limited trial was conducted on teachers and students of SD Inpres Lakat, as well as a survey to see subjects’ responses on the effectiveness, practicality and attractiveness of teaching material. In evaluation stage, an evaluation and revision of the teaching material final product was undertaken relying on data collected from previous stages. The result revealed that geometry teaching material based on local wisdom was feasible, practical, effective and interesting to be used by students of SD Inpres Lakat, South Middle Timor.