The Origin And Evolution Saraiki Culture & Civilization In South Asia; A Case Of Saraiki Culture From Ancient Indus Valley Civilization To Modern Era

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H.M. Fiaz , Ayaz Ahmad Rind , Waseem Abbas Gul , Sohail Akhtar , Hina Naseem , Dilshad Noor


This paper is primarily deals with the analytical study of Saraiki Culture and Civilization. Saraiki is one of the ancient languages ​​of the Indus Valley, which played a significant role in creating the culture of the region. When it is tried to define culture it is clear that culture is always being developed by a nation in respect of its socio-political norms based on routine matters, traditions, rites, customs linked with life. Among the cultures that flourished in the Indus Valley Saraiki is one of the most ancient and historical cultures which is connected to the passages since long. Saraiki Culture and civilization is considered as ancient as the Indus Civilization. The most important is Saraiki language of this Culture constructed thousands years ago. Although Indus Civilization had honored with variety of nation in its cradle and these entire nations constructed their cultural heritage with marvelous values. Different cultures flourished and lost but the Saraiki culture is still alive and well today as it travels through the centuries. Any culture matures over time. And the Saraiki culture has been able to reach its current name and recognition through various stages of evolution and recognition. This paper highlights and explores this research paper entitled Saraiki Culture and Civilization.     

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