Mental Health And Job Satisfaction As Predictors Of Teacher Effectiveness Among Secondary School Teachers

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Assuam Mustafa , Nikhat Yasmin Shafeeq


The present study aimed to examine mental health and job satisfaction as predictors of teacher effectiveness. The descriptive survey design and multi-stage random sampling techniques were employed for the present study. A sample of 300 senior secondary school teachers, 153 Male and 147 female from various school of Poonch and Rajouri districts were selected. For the assessment of teacher effectiveness of senior secondary school, the investigators have adopted the Teacher Effectiveness Scale by Umme Kulsum (2011). For the assessment of job satisfaction of senior secondary school teachers, the researchers have used Job Satisfaction by Madan and Malik (2020). For the assessment of mental health researchers develop their own tool for teachers’ mental healthof senior secondary school teachers. Pearson Product Moment correlation and multiple regressions were used to analyze the collected data. Outcomes disclose that thereexist a positive and significant relationship (r = 0.359) between mental health and teacher effectiveness; and (r = 0.476) between job satisfaction and teacher effectiveness. Findings of stepwise multiple regressions revealed that mental health and job satisfaction (R2=0.284 F (2,297) = 58.996, p<0.01) accounted for 28.4% variation in teacher effectiveness of senior secondary school teachers.

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