Influence Of Cooperative Positive Learning On Students With Special Needs At Banyuwangi Pgri University
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Banyuwangi Regency has declared an Inclusive Regency with the aim of building an inclusive education system that carries the principle of education for all children without discrimination both normal and special needs, and people with disabilities can learn. Based on this reality, an innovative learning design that has been modified based on the condition of slow learner in the Counseling Guidance Study Program at PGRI Banyuwangi University is called Cooperative Positive Learning (CPL). CPL is designed to provide space for slow learner to increase their motivation when participating in the learning process. The application of CPL aims to build student achievement in slow learner so that a learning approach design is formed that is structured not only how to operate
a positive teaching and learning process, but also an effort to create a positive holistic environment. This study uses a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. The data collection technique used a test, which was analyzed using the SPSS 23 application with a t-test approach on seven (7) student respondents. The results showed the average value of the pretest = 101.71, while the posttest = 111.14. The results of the analysis of the data from this study showed a significant effect of 0.022 p 0.05. So that Ha is proven to be accepted, meaning that the application of cooperative positive learning (CPL) is effective in increasing student achievement students slow learner.