A Sustainable Development Model Approach Towards Women Generalized Stress And Financial Well-Being
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Several previous model have been proposed in the literature that have investigated the impact of financial stress on financial well-being however, concept of generalized stress on financial well-being on women has not been comprehensively investigated. The role of stress and its impact on overall financial wellbeing has remained heated debate for past two decades. Nevertheless this study evaluates the overall impact of stress on financial well-being through direct and indirect relationship. The study used purposive sampling method in order to collect data from working women. The total of 447 questionnaires was completed and return for further analysis. In order to analyze data Smart PLS 3.3.2 was used. The result of the study revealed that generalized stress do not necessarily negatively impact the financial well-being of women. This case has found to be significant in Pakistan due to the fact that women in Pakistan not the primary earner in the family and generalized stress would not negatively cause their financial well-being. Also, study suggests that women do follow social norms when their financial condition is not good. Also, in order to gauge financial well-being comprehensively, generalized stress instead of financial stress should be incorporated