Exposure To Pornographic Media And Parenting Democratic Style As Predictors Of Sex –Related Behavior Among Adolescents With Intellectual Disabilities
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The aim was to investigate the predicting role of exposure to pornographic media and Parenting Democratic Style to Sex Behavior among adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities. In this study, it was assumed that exposure to pornographic media and parenting democratic style would predict sex behavior of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. 90 adolescents with ID aged between 13 and 16 years and who were enrolled in the ID Inclusion program were recruited. Multiple regression was used to explore the relative contributions of pornographic media and parenting democratic style to the prediction of sex behavior of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Findings indicate that Exposure to pornographic media correlates positively with Parenting Democratic Style and sex –related behavior. Parenting Democratic Style correlates positively with Sex –Related Behavior. Exposure to pornographic media and parenting democratic style when put together yielded a coefficient of multiple regression (R) of .566 and a multiple correlation square of .558. This shows that 55.8% of the total variance in sex –related behavior of adolescents is accounted for by the combination of exposure to pornographic media, parenting democratic style.