Optimizing Competence And Achievement Motivation On Job Satisfaction And Teacher Organizational Culture At SMK PENABUR, West Jakarta
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Indonesia is a developing country and has a desire to make itself a developed country. One of the efforts that can be done is to improve the quality of its human resources through the education sector as the front line to create quality graduates. Teachers as an important component of education have a major role in creating a quality nation generation. Unfortunately, teacher performance is influenced by several things, such as competence, achievement motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational culture. PENABUR Vocational School as an educational institution that seeks to improve the quality of education also has problems where teacher performance is less than optimal. Therefore, the researcher wants to find out more about “Optimizing competence and achievement motivation on job satisfaction and teacher organizational culture of SMK PENABUR West Jakarta area. The purpose of this study is to find out the steps in optimizing competence and motivation so that they have an influence on job satisfaction and organizational culture. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with data collection techniques through documentation, observation, interviews and questionnaires. After the data is obtained, it will be analyzed in depth using the SPSS program. The results showed that competence and work motivation had a significant influence on job satisfaction and organizational culture. The results of the regression test showed that the influence of competence and achievement motivation had an effect of 92.8% on job satisfaction and 93.2% on organizational culture. Therefore, PENABUR Vocational School seeks to improve the optimization of competence and achievement motivation through various activities carried out by the school as well as giving appreciation to outstanding teachers as a spirit to increase achievement motivation.