Guidelines To Improve Manpower Potential In The Manufacturing Industry In The Area Of The Eastern Economic Corridor: A Case Study Of The Rail Industry

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Dr. Jutharat Pinthapataya


This study aimed to analyze the confirmatory factors of Guidelines to Improve Manpower Potential in the Manufacturing Industry in the Area of the Eastern Economic Corridor. Samples used in this study consisted of establishments in the rail industry and other related industries located in the area of the Eastern Economic Corridor registered with the Department of Indus-trial Works, divided into two groups, namely, the rail industry group and related industries group. There were 500 samples obtained from simple randomization. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation. The index value used to determine the coherence of the model with the empirical data is the confirmatory factor analysis.

The results of the confirmatory factor analysis by the second order confirmatory factor analysis showed that the guidelines to improve manpower potential in the manufacturing industry located in the area of the Eastern Economic Corridor: A Case Study of the Rail Industry had 3 main components and 32 sub-components. The 3 main components were knowledge with 13 sub-components, skills with 10 sub-components, and attributes with 9 sub-components. The Model had coherence with the empirical data. (c2 = 503.600, df = 461, p = 0.083, c2/df = 1.092, GFI = 0.940, RMSEA = 0.014).

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