The Effect Of Entrepreneurial Process On Digital Entrepreneurship Against Bandung City As A Creative City
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Bandung is a pioneer of creative cities in Indonesia and has received international recognition as the emerging creative city from international forums, and in 2015 was proposed as a UNESCO creative city. This is actually a potential in building a creative economy. Especially with the use of technology in carrying out business activities as part of a digital-based business system. Thus, it can be seen that digital entrepreneurship is combined with creative human resources who are able to take advantage of digitalization in creating innovation and creativity in every dynamic change. Based on this, this research was conducted with the aim of knowing and analyzing how the influence of digital entrepreneurship especially in terms of entrepreneurship process towards the city of Bandung as a creative city. This research was conducted quantitatively with a survey method on a sample of 314 creative industry players in the city of Bandung. The statistical method used to test the hypothesis in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through Partial Least Square (PLS) v3.0 approach. Literature studies and observations were also conducted to collect supporting data. Research shows that Digital Entrepreneurship has a significant effect in supporting the City of Bandung as a creative city, with a total contribution of 77.2% which is dominated by the entrepreneurship process while the remaining 22.8% is the influence of other factors not examined. From the value of this contribution, it can be understood that the use of technology or digital-based business creates new habits from creative industry players in the City of Bandung by maximizing the use of technology and internet networks, without being limited by space that can be accessed by everyone, this is what changes businesses from offline. go online, so that it has a big impact on the creative industry in an effort to support the status of a creative city owned by the Bandung City.