Evaluating The Relationship Between Sales Methods And Technology, And Physical Expansion As Strategies In Managing Shoplifting
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Shoplifting like any variety of offending behavior occurs from the interaction between individuals with certain potentials for offending and the environments or situations that provide opportunities for offending This paper evaluates the relationship between sales methods and technology, and physical expansion as strategies in managing shoplifting with South-East Nigeria as case study. This study adopted survey research strategy, which entails examining phenomena without attempting to influence the study variables and is defined by the selection of random samples from the public to gather empirical information of current nature. The study found that there is significant positive relationship between sales methods and technology in shopping malls (r = 0.502 < 0.800) and that there is significant positive relationship between sales methods and physical expansion of service in shopping malls (r = 0.595 < 0.876). The study therefore concludes that Information and Communication Technology directly affects how managers decide, how they plan and what products and services are offered in the shopping industry. It is recommended that where every employee is educated on theft prevention procedures, it will create a standard that everyone is held up to; and also creates a better work environment where there is confidence on every worker to help prevent losses in the shopping mall.