International Experience In Fleet Development Investment In Shipping And Lessons For Vietnam
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Study international experiences on investment in fleet development in shipping and draw lessons learned from Vietnam. The study sample is the fleet of Vietnam's shipping from 2011-2018. Using qualitative research Statistical analysis methods; Comparative methods; Methods of analyzing indicators), the author has drawn lessons learned for Vietnam such as: (i) Most countries attach great importance to the development of shipping; (ii) Many countries apply the strategy of competing for extremely low freight rates to dominate the market; (iii) States shall adopt policies to attract all investment resources to develop their fleets both from the private sector and foreign investment; (iv) Proper port development and maritime services policies have shown positive effects on the development of shipping of each country (v) States encourage openness to shipping: especially with international ships, in various ways such as encouraging ships to fly foreign flags, provide financial support to international fleets, open the door to free shipping business, open the door to attract investment capital for fleet development, use financial policies (capital, tax...) to facilitate shipping business; (vi) States attach particular importance to the development of shipping human resources, in both quality and quantity. The preferential seafarer policies adopted have proved particularly effective in many countries; (vii) Methods of improving the efficiency of shipping investment of different countries are different, depending on the competitive advantages of each country but focusing on the strengths of the forte criteria.