The Influence Of Employee Performance On Customer Loyalty Is Mediated By Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction

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Bakti Setyadi , Sulaiman Helmi , Anas Hidayat


One of the requirements for building client loyalty is being able to identify and evaluate the performance of its personnel. This study's objective is to investigate the relationship between staff performance and customer loyalty, which is mediated via service excellence and customer satisfaction. 50 respondents from each of the five Indonesian regions of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua make up the sample, which is made up of 210 clients of contemporary retail stores. The validity and reliability of the research instrument, a questionnaire, have been examined using CFA analysis. The SEM method is used in this work to analyze a complex causation model. According to the research findings, the economic model that defines employee performance has a favorable and considerable direct impact on service quality that satisfies the fit criteria. Employee performance does not significantly and directly affect customer satisfaction. Customer loyalty and employee performance do not directly or significantly relate to one another. Customer loyalty and service excellence are not directly correlated. Client happiness has a direct impact on customer loyalty. Customer happiness is significantly influenced favorably by service quality. Furthermore, service excellence and customer satisfaction operate as a complete mediating factor in the relationship between staff performance and customer loyalty.

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