Assess The Knowledge, Attitude, And Factors Influencing On Compliance To The Infection Control Practice Among Healthcare Workers In Hospitals
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Introduction: The aim of infection control is to reduce the probability of infections during medical treatment. The term "healthcare-associated infection" (HCAI) refers to any time a patient gets sick while receiving treatment in a healthcare setting like a hospital or medical facility. It plays a role in substantial morbidity and death, prolonged hospitalization, and higher treatment costs. Misuse of antibiotics has led to the rise of germs resistant to many drugs. As a result, it's crucial to take preventative steps against the spread of illness in order to lessen this threat. Proper hand washing has been shown to significantly minimize the incidence of HCAI. Nosocomial infection rates can be decreased by 40% if patients consistently use alcohol-based hand rubs.
Goal Of the study: To Investigate medical staff infection prevention expertise and examine medical staff's infection control methods.
Methods and Materials: Quantitative survey study designed to investigate the level of knowledge, attitude and factors influencing on compliance to the infection control practice variables among healthcare personnel with regards to infection control. Age, gender, healthcare worker type, education, and experience are demographic characteristics. A population is a group of people that possess a significant characteristic. This research surveyed for all hospital health personnel (nurses, paramedics, lab techs).
A questionnaire is an information-gathering form. The tool was selected and prepared. Literature review (research, non-research)
Result: 82.5 % of healthcare workers were between the ages of 17 and 25. 80% of the samples are female and 20% are male. The majority of samples are nurses (51.2%), laboratory technicians (30%), and paramedics (18.8%). Most samples are diploma (61.3%), graduate (12.5%), and master (26.3%). The majority of the samples had a degree of 0 to 3 years (85.0%), 3.1 to 6 years (7.5%), or 6.1 or more years (7.5%). The majority of samples had low knowledge (57.5%), moderate knowledge (42.5%), and strong knowledge (0%). The majority of samples are average to good (45%) or poor (10%). The majority of sample variables are good (80%), although average (16.3%) and good (3.8%) exist.