Qualitative Study On Perception Of Adults With Mental Disorder On Stigma Towards Them In Malaysia

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Aina Affrina Mohd Nor, Aisyah Waheeda Rosaini, Alissa Lai Azman Lai Chong Huan, Maria Zalina Abdul Rahim


This study is done to determine the perception of adults with mental disorders on stigma towards them in Malaysia. Stigma is defined as a mark of disgrace that disqualifies its bearer from full social acceptance, often leading to several forms of discrimination. Nine adults with mental disorders were interviewed in an in-depth, online, semi-structured interview. Triangulation and thematic analysis was used to analyze data. The results indicated that stigma is perceived asĀ  a form of judgement, negative perception and stereotype where it was experienced in the form of public and self stigma. Family and friends were mentioned to have the most impact on adults with mental disorders resulting in a behavioral or emotional response. Results are discussed with respect to potential strategies to overcome stigma. The implications of the study and recommendation for future research are presented.

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