Radiation Safety Awareness Among Healthcare Workers In King Saud University Medical City

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Mohammed Abdullah Almanie


This study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of health personnel working with ionizing radiation sources on the risks and radiation safety of ionizing radiation in King Saud University Medical city. The study was cross-sectional and survey based in design. The context for the study are healthcare workers in King Saud University Medical city. A sample size of 130 participants was adequate for this study based on a 95% confidence level. There were 70(53.8%)males, and 60(46.2%) females included in this study, of which there 33 doctors, 44 nurses, and 50 Technologists and other medical professions.  90( 69.2%) of the participants worked in University hospital or medical center, and 40(30.7%) worked in Regional general hospital (>300 beds) . 49(37.6%) answered "yes" for Operation of the fluoroscopy unit, 110(84.6%) for Use of lead apron, 110(84.6%) for Use of thyroid collar, 110(84.6%) for Use of lead glasses, 120(92.3%%) for Use of radiation dosimete, 50(38.4%) for RE of each procedure, 80(61.5%) for Basic lecture on RE, 80(61.5%) for Three principles of RP and 20(15.3%) Fluoroscopy unit type. There were differences between doctors and nurses(p = 0.046) , Technologists and other medical professions (p = 0.034) respectively .However, there was no difference between the nurses and Technologists and other medical professions.

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