Compliance Of Students Of Cagayan State University To The Inter-Agency Task Force Protocols On Covid-19
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The global battle against the spread of COVID-19 requires serious public cooperation and compliance with public health policies to be effective. Health authorities and the administration of government in the Philippines have explained to the citizens the urgency to comply with the practical requirements to slow the spread of the virus. Social distancing is one common approach globally to ensure physical distance among people. The rationale behind social distancing is that the virus spread will slow down by measures such as staying home, avoiding crowds, and refraining from touching one another to diminish the transmission of the virus. This study intended to determine the compliance of students of the Cagayan State University-Piat Campus to the inter-agency task force protocols. A descriptive research design was used in the study which attempts to outline systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service, or program, provides information about the living conditions of a community, or describes attitudes towards an issue (Kumar, 2011). The respondents of this study were the students of the Bachelor of Science in Criminology of Piat Campus where a convenience sampling technique was employed using the online google form questionnaire which is a checklist that has been modified by the researcher based on the standard of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Covid-19 when it comes to the precautionary measures needed to avoid the spread of the virus. The data needed for the study was interpreted, treated, and analyzed by means of frequency counts, percentages, weighted mean, using a Likert Scale. The University may occasionally disseminate accurate and reliable information and continuously adapt and enhance the precautionary measures that are required to prevent infection from illness.