Examining Chinese Independent Secondary School Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence And Coping Responses During The Covid-19 Pandemics: Protocol Of A Cross-Sectional Study
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The coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) can be described as an acute respiratory disease, caused by a novel coronavirus that has not been previously detected in humans. The pandemics have a dramatic impact on diverse population and the whole economies of the world. Alongside, most of the schools in the worldwide have also experience challenges such as remodelled of teaching and learning methodologies from classroom learning to online learning as one of the strategies of controlling the spread of COVID-19 in the school settings. A review presented that many teachers are at risk for emotional regulation issues, stress, anxiety, and depression. To reduce the literature gaps, the current study attempted to propose a protocol to guide more targeted assessment on Chinese Independent Secondary School (CISS) teachers’ emotional intelligence (EI) and coping responses (CR) in Malaysia context. The protocol introduces the current issues, methodologies, as well as the statistical analysis procedures of the research. The researchers also suggested adapting as well as forward and backward translating the existing measurement instruments, which are the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding (STEU) Brief-Cope inventory, Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSREI) to ensure these measurement instruments are suitable to apply among the CISS teachers. The protocol is important as it provides a framework to guide more targeted assessment for educators who are teaching in CISS. The study protocol is useful in guiding the schools to re-examine the needs of teachers in CISS. It also provides a new orientation for intervention programmes to assist CISS teachers developing healthier emotional management and coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemics.