Learning Approach Preferences By Students: Rote Learning V/S Creative Learning
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Modern society places a high value on education. It is an intentional act with specific goals in mind, like as passing on knowledge or developing civic virtues. These objectives might include the growth of comprehension, sagacity, kindness, and sincerity. In the modern world, teaching knowledge to kids in a classroom just produces information bankers; instead, we need kids who are developing holistically. Additionally, a child's learning style plays a significant part in their overall development. Learning is described as a process that combines one's own experiences and influences with those from the outside world in order to develop, enhance, or change one's knowledge, abilities, beliefs, attitudes, behavior, and worldviews (As per International Bureau of Education). Learning is the process of gaining new insights, skills, information, values, attitudes, and preferences. There are numerous approaches to learning. Children and teenagers learn through listening, trying new things, experimenting, and asking questions. There are many theories on how children learn and develop; two well-known theorists are Piaget and Vygotsky. When it comes to a person's cognitive development, Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget contend that social interaction is crucial. The primary distinction between Vygotsky and Piaget is that Vygotsky holds that cultural and social factors play a significant role in how people learn. Piaget, on the other hand, supports a child's productive approach. The key tenet of Vygotsky's theory is that social interaction is the foundation of learning. In contrast, Piaget's theory contends that a kid goes through four phases of mental development. According to Piaget, cognitive growth is a process that results from biological maturation and interaction with the environment. He argued that intelligence is a fixed trait. The methods of learning are crucial in deciding how successful educational activities are (Hasnoor, Ahmad, & Nordin, 2013). Learning can happen at any age, in any location, and at any time. Additionally, whereas formal education requires that learning take place in a classroom setting, this is not a requirement. A student's learning is influenced by three key factors: their peers, their courses, and their teachers (Mayya, Rao, & Ramnarayana, 2004).
Each of the components influences how students choose to approach learning (Hasnoor, Ahmad, & Nordin, 2013). These days, classrooms are being transformed into play spaces, and learning is being taught via play-based methods. According to Vester, any subject may be learnt in a variety of ways that are appropriate for the various learning styles of students, regardless of how difficult it is. The following four categories of learning exist.