Exploring The Tendency Of Depression As A Consequence Of Tolerance To Frustration In Children Of Marginalized Socio-Economic Status

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Hazir Elshani PhD


Nowadays psychological worries like depression, frustration and ways of coping with them are concerns which are often encountered in daily life. The most affected target group remain children and social contexts of high vulnerability. They often have to deal with stressors that can be potential threats to their well-being and healthy development.

The sample of this study is composed of a group of 100 children from vulnerable groups of families in need and with socio-economic assistance at the age of 9-12 years (M = 11.08; SD = 1.25) of which 64 girls and 36 boys . The sample was selected in a non-probabilistic manner due to the access of the participant. Significant variables of Frustration Tolerance and Depressive Symptomatology were measured with valid and reliable instruments as the Infantile Depression Inventory (CDI) and the Frustration Tolerance Scale (ETF).

The results showed that there is a positive, strong and stable relationship between the two variables (rw = .. 91) of frustration and depression tolerance and a moderate relationship in dysphoria (rë = .67) and negative self-esteem (rë =. .47). The Pearson indices also showed that girls exhibited higher scores on all group variables compared to boys. The differences in depressive symptomatology and gender-related frustration tolerance are not significant enough to influence their specific weigh scale (PSest> .56).

Although genuine Albanian studies on the depressive tendencies of low socio-economic status children are lacking, other studies have shown that children experience depression, anxiety and stress at moderately high levels today compared to previous years.

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