Problems Of Memory Research In Humanities And Ch. Aitmatov Novels

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Farida Alieva , Urkuia Muratalieva , Aisuluu Parpieva , Baktygul Ismailova , Aisha Tizekbaeva , Zhypargul Kurbanalieva , Siuta Zhusueva , Nurgul Seyitbekova , Ainura Kadyrmanbetova , Tolgonai Eralieva , Zhypargul Abdullaeva


The article is investigating an overview of the memory problem history in philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, and historical sciences fields. Information on individual works and researchers ' views on this problem are presented. The article attempts to give an overview of the "passed way" of consciousness from the biological point of view to its philosophical, and then historical and social status, and to clarify its place in the literature. The peculiarities of the humanistic attitude to consciousness are noted. Scientific views on the place of the memory problem in the literature, including the research of Kyrgyz scientists, were also expressed. Overview was made based on obtained research results.

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