Estimation Of Factors Influencing Students’ Preference For B-School –Application Of Kano Model

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Dr. Sanjit Kumar Dash , Dr. Ritika Singh , Mr. Rajkiran Pund


India has around 5500 B-School in operation. 1, 90,143 candidates appeared for Common Admission Test Examination (CAT). So it’s important to understand the factors influencing the satisfaction of the students by meeting the expectation. This paper aims to understand the factors that influence student’s satisfaction using Kano Model and the attributes were classified into Must Be (M), One Dimensional (O), Attractive (A), Indifferent (I) and Reverse(R).  The survey was conducted amongst 500 students perusing management programs from different B-Schools at Pune, India. The response was collected through well-structured questionnaire containing functional and dysfunctional questions from the respondents.

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