Role Of Strength And Power In Athletic Performance
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Background: Strength is something reflecting quality of the body for producing comparatively high forces against resistance whereas power is ability of the body to for working at the high rate and both strength and power are important for various sports. In the last few years, both resistance training and strength training have been focusing in relation to improving physical performance and capacity of the body.
Objectives: This study aimed to estimate that strength and power gains would assist players with better performance in Volleyball skills.
Methodology: In this study, the experimental design with pre & post-test was used in which testing sessions were conducted before and after the 8-weeks of the training. A dynamic warm-up was finished only preceding each testing meeting. The evaluations were organized to utilize different muscle bunches in progressive tests, in this way a negligible rest would be in the middle of between each test. All tests were directed around the same time and in the request recorded underneath: The sit and reach (S & R) test; the balance (Left & Right) test; the T-test; maximal anaerobic power; the pull-ups; and the vertical jump repeated test.
Results: A total number of 15 male Volleyball players with a mean age of 17 years participated in this study. The training carried out for 2 months with pre and post-test. The results indicated there was no significant difference in BMI (p=0.81>0.05) and there was no significant sit and reach test (p=0.73> 0.05). Significant differences were found for vertical jump max (p=.000<0.05), repeated vertical jump (p=.000<0.05), balance right (p=.000<0.05), balance left (p=.000<0.05), t-test (p=.000<0.05), and pull-ups (p=.000<0.05).
Conclusion: This investigation concluded that significant differences in strength and power of some Volleyball related abilities were visible with just two months of training. This preparation plan executed in this study can be reproduced or replicated for the same group of Volleyball players.