A Metaphysical Stance Of Shaykh Al-Jīlī (D.1424) Concerning Divine Mercy And Its Applications

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Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq, Dr Shah Junaid Ahmad Hashimi


This paper intends to grasp the interpretations of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karīm al-Jīlī (d.1424) regarding Divine Mercy (DM) with special reference to its pragmatic and practical dimensions. It is significant to know that how al-Jīlī (d.1424) explained the correlation of various Divine Attributes with one another? The concept of the perfect man and divine exhalation (nafas al-raḥmah) along with the human journey towards Allah Almighty categorizing it into different stages and grades are the integral parts of his perception. In this qualitative approach, we visited the metaphysical views of Shaykh al-Jīlī (d.1424) regarding al-Raḥmah al-Ilāhiyyah and its application in the anthropocosmic realm  This study shows that Mercy of Allah Almighty works to bring the universe into existence and what is associated with it including human beings. The compassion and psychological experience of human beings can be understood by explaining the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility (DDI) vis-à-vis Divine Mercy. According to his stance, Divine Mercy (DM) is the source (aṣl) of existence and sustenance of all that exists. It functions in the cosmic systems and locates human beings in relation to the God, Man and Universe Relationship (GMUR). In this connection, human perfection is conditional to follow the footsteps of the Prophet of Islam (ṣallā llāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) for salvation and happiness in this world and in the world hereafter. All these blessings have special nexus to the application of mercy in a society promoting values having metaphysical footings and grounds in the light of al-Jīlī’s worldview. It leads us to think about the building blocks of a Raḥmah-Oriented Society (ROS) which can promote peace, love and mercy around the globe lessening ill-feeling, hatred, unrest and antagonism.

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