The Psychological effect of War on Children and women in Brecht’s Mother Couarage

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Dr. Nurul Farahana Low , Dr. Kadim Imran Mousa , Kawakib Talib


Mother courage and her children was a play written by Bertolt Brecht. Brecht was a renowned writer who portrayed his expertise in writing through many amazing plays which were thought provoking and were a big hit amongst the people of Germany. Carney argues that Brecht’s aesthetic theories are still relevant to the modern world even today. This aesthetics relate to modern day thinking which is why his theatres were popular amongst people. After the year 1940, Brecht started to win international recognition because of his plays, which became famous due to the diversity of topics and the depth of the writing style. He used to write about politics, and some of his plays that gained recognition were related to simpler topics like private lives, which became popular amongst the audience.  

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