The Crisis Of Heroes’ Self-Identification In “Oriental” Novels By J. Aldridge

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Sabina Avazjonovna Maxmudova


J. Aldridge creates a special type of social novel, which illustrates the hero's identity crisis in the context of a political crisis. The aim of the research is a holistic consideration of the problem of "identification" in all "oriental" novels, where the general biographical data of the heroes of J. Aldridge’s novels are studied. The architectonics of the “oriental” novels by J. Aldridge contributes to the creation of a complete picture of the hero’s life in a new space with all the attributes of “his own”. The law of "territorial and landscape" features allows J. Aldridge to motivate the creation of characters with a special self-identification. In turn, the factor of geographical determinism is one of the main factors that form the picture of the hero's world. This article examines the prerequisites and motives for the crisis of self-identity of the "special" English heroes of J. Aldridge. Much attention is given to the significance of the political crisis for the personal crisis, moral conflict with a "real Englishman". As a result of the study, the concept of "place identification" is revealed, the influence of space on the value layer of the characters' consciousness, their acceptance of axiological norms of the ethics of the East. And it was also revealed that in the mind of the hero a "conceptual model" of space and society is formed, which stimulates the adoption of the "linguocultural model" of the East, the code of interpersonal and social relations.

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