Assessment of Academic Stress and Negative Coping Strategies of Freshmen Academicians

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Glenda L. Tan-De Guia


This study assessed the effects of stress management intervention on the academic stress and coping strategies of freshmen academicians. A quasi-experimental design was adopted using quantitative method and an intervention program on the 91 freshman students of Northern Samar. A total of 754 freshman students from the clustered state universities and colleges in the province of Northern Samar were included in the pre-test. Only 296 students qualified in the inclusion criteria among those who participated in the pre-test, only 96 students attended the intervention program, while only 91 freshman students completed the post-intervention tests. Academic stress and coping strategies were measured by Students Stress Inventory, and Brief Coping Orientation of Problem Experienced (Brief COPE). MANOVA was used to determine the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test on academic stress and the coping strategies of the respondents. ANOVA repeated measures were used to determine the significance and the effect of the intervention across 5-time interval pre-test and post-test assessments. There are significant differences between the pre-test and post-tests results of participants because of DEAL-based intervention program on academic stress and coping strategies. DEAL-based intervention is very effective in lessening the academic stress of the students including the students with severe academic stress. The intervention has positive effects on the negative coping strategy of the respondents.

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