Degrees Of Mental Toughness Among Table Tennis Players In The Northern Governorates In Palestine

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Dr. Tareq G. A. Raja , Dr. Hisham A. M. Alaqra , Mr. Tamer S. S. Alabssi


This research aims to identify the degrees of mental toughness among table tennis players in the northern governorates in Palestine. The researchers followed the descriptive approach and selected a purposive sample. The sample consisted of all of the (60) players registered at the Palestinian Table Tennis Federation in the northern governorates. The researchers used the scale of mental toughness by James Loehr (1993), which was translated by Majda Ismael and Osama Abdulrahman (2007). Results showed that the degree of mental toughness was medium (64%). The dimension related to motivation ranked first at a relative weight of 70.17%, positive energy ranked second at a relative weight of 69.67%, then attitude control ranked third at 63.67%, self-confidence ranked fourth at 65.33%, visual control ranked fifth at 61.67%, focus control ranked sixth at 58.33%, and negative energy ranked seventh at 52.2%. Results also showed statistically significant differences at α < 0.05 based on the residence variable and in favor of living in the cities. There were no statistically significant differences for the variables of age and educational degree. The researchers recommend the Palestine Table Tennis Federation to hold various training and educational courses for coaches and players, especially on mental toughness.

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