The Influence Of Teaching Sustainable Development Goals Sdgs On Applied Arts Students (An Empirical Study)
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After the COVID-19 pandemic, people all around the world felt that we are living in one world and the thing who affects one, affects the other. Then the concentration on the Sustainable development goals SDGs in design, either on a local scale or on an international scale augmented. That is why the author decided during the SDGs week to take action by teaching the design thinking process application through the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. Kindly check :
The chosen students were 54 students at the Higher institute of Applied Arts 5th settlement, Cairo, Egypt. During the period from 25-09-2021 to 09-10-2021. As a summer activity organized by the institute’s administration ,lecturers and teacher assistants. The results were 7 group projects considering: education- food industry- entertainment. The common between projects was to achieve as much as possible SDGs and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The details are shown in the research below.