Dialectics Of Fiqh Worship Mahḍah In Pandemic Seasons, Perceptions Of Islamic Religious Groups In Banyumas District

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Abdul Rohman , Mintarti , Triyo Supriyatno , Mulyani Mudis Taruna


This study aims to reveal the problem of implementing the jurisprudence of mahḍah worship amid a state of disruption. Allah and His Messenger have regulated Mahḍah worship in detail so that there is no gap for humans to add or reduce it. In a pandemic condition, mahḍah worship if carried out by standard rules and according to the Shari'ah will endanger the condition of the human soul, so this dialectic requires the right solution.

This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the target of religious groups in Islam consisting of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, LDII, Salafis, doctors, MUI institutions, and Satpol Pamong Praja field officials.

The data found in this study are 1) There are a small number of people who are reluctant to follow the health protocol as advised by the government; 2) a small part of the Muslim community still goes to the mosque to perform the obligatory five daily prayers or Friday prayers because they feel safe in their environment; 3) some of the Muslim community during the PPKM period continued to go to the mosque to perform the obligatory prayers and Friday prayers, because it was a religious order; and 4) some Muslim communities still go to the mosque to perform the obligatory prayers and Friday prayers without regard to health protocols because the problem of transmitting the virus is God's business. They surrender to their destiny.

Based on Hegel's dialectical theory, the religious command to perform the obligatory prayers and Friday prayers in the mosque is "tesa". The existence of covid-19 is an "antithesis", while the "synthesis" found in the dialectic of this study is positive reasoning contained through both MUI decisions and decisions of local community leaders. Synthesis as "peace between "these" and "antithesis" becomes a "policy" that is continuously socialized to the public so that they find peace in carrying out their worship during the pandemic season.

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