Development Of Creative Critical Thinking And Spiritual Attitudes (Ccsa) Evaluation Instruments In Nursing Training
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This study aims to analyze the instruments of critical thinking skills, creative thinking, and spiritual attitudes of nurses in emergency training.
The method uses the ADDIE development design. In the analysis phase, needs analysis, participant characteristics, and literature search was carried out. The design stage compiles test designs, rubrics, and attitude questionnaires. The development stage developed a test in the form of multiple-choice extended responses, observation sheets, and attitude questionnaires. The implementation stage carried out informed consent, expert trials, field trials, and conducted data analysis. Expert validity uses the rater agreement index on the suitability of items according to Aitken. Validity test using product moment correlation and reliability using Chronbach's alpha. The validity coefficients based on the results of expert reviews were obtained in the range of 0.84-0.85 (valid category). 80 nurses completed the test which obtained 30 valid items and 10 items were declared unused. A total of 30 nurses were willing to make a project and were evaluated using an observation sheet with an assessment using the rubric of creative thinking. The results of the observation of creative thinking and the questionnaire on spiritual attitudes were found valid and reliable.
In conclusion, the form the multiple-choice extended response test, observation sheet, and spiritual attitude questionnaire can be used as an instrument for assessing critical thinking skills, creative thinking, and spiritual attitudes. It is recommended to use the test form, rubrics, and spiritual attitude questionnaires in nursing education and training.