Socio Psycho Linguistics Study On Scrutinizing The Impact Of Visionary Literature In Training Elevator Pitch For Employability Purposes

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Manjusha C B , Utkarsh Mahadeo Khaire , Rasika V Shende , Jesika Ghatode


The world around is becoming much competitive that people do not have time to listen. The present pandemic has brought a revolution in almost all the fields of human life, not sparing the interview milieu. There is a need for an exclusive speech technique to reduce the conversation timing in such a scenario. Considering the need, the elevator pitch is trained to the final year undergraduate students using the module designed using Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic sensory [VARK] modalities. From the experiment results, it is understood that there is an impact in edifying elevator pitches using visionary literature. The study results indicate that this kind of study will be effective and result in better output in placement training sessions especially among women candidates considering their sociological and psychological milieu. It is proven that elevator pitch is the need of the hour.

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