Laymens’ Perspectıve on the Alıgner Treatment Protocol: A Questıonnarıe Survey

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Dr. Nidhi Agarwal, Dr. Alap Shah, Dr. Anisha Prasad, Dr. Kinnari Shah, Dr. Bharvi Jani, Dr. Mrudul Variya, Dr. Irfan


Aim: The survey was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, perception and awareness about the Orthodontic Aligner therapy among laymen.

Materials and method: A web based survey was carried out in which a questionnaire consisting of 19 questions was sent to 252 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students aged 16-23 years residing in the Gandhinagar district of Gujarat state of India.

Result: A total of 252 respondents completed the questionnaire, out of which 140 were males and 112 were females. Respondents were asked at the beginning of the survey to rate their level of knowledge in Orthodontic Aligner Therapy. The result explains that females are more concerned about the aesthetics and possess more knowledge about the aligner therapy and the results were statistically significant (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Survey determines that laymen have knowledge regarding aligners. They were aware about the purpose of aligners and that better oral hygiene maintenance is possible with use of aligners. It can be used to provide direction to laymen for better treatment option than braces as well as valuable information to the general population.

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