Measurement And Analysis Of The Determinants Of Super Efficiency: An Applied Study On A Sample Of Companies Listed The Iraqi Stock Exchange For The Period 2018-2020
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This research aims to measure and analyze the determinants of super-efficiency for companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period (2018-2020) using the super-efficiency model with input guidance and by means of the MES program version 1.3, the model’s inputs were (total expenses, working capital, debt ratio) And the outputs (total revenues, net short-term investments, number of shares traded), it was proven that there were 18 companies that achieved high efficiency during the year (2018), 14 during the year (2019), and 11 during the year (2020) out of 35 sample companies For the research, the panel data model was used by the method of ordinary least squares (DOLS) to estimate the determinants of super-efficiency, as it was proven that working capital and net profit directly and insignificantly affect super efficiency, while trading volume, market value, salaries and wages had no clear effect, and all factors took their indications. Corresponding to economic theory.