Types Of Dritëro Agolli’s Poetry
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Dritëro Agolli (1931-2017) is one of the greatest Albanian poets of all time. His presence in Albanian literature spans a long period of time, more than half a century. He is also one of the most widely translated Albanian writers, shortly after Ismail Kadare. Dritero Agolli's creative opus encompasses all literary genres. He has been tested in all literary genres, has proved to be a novelist, but especially to be a poet.
Agolli's poetic opus [1] in his interior has a different composition of types of poetry. Although Agolli writes different types of poetry, with different forms as well, on this occasion we will consider these types of his lyrical poetry, such as poem, ballad, ode and elegy. Each will be examined separately and each will be presented in the real light of writing and reading.
Before discussing Agolli's lyrical poetry types separately, however, it should be noted that Agolli's success in writing poetry is not only due to his presentation with poetry - poem, in the traditional sense, but generally with the forms and types of poetry that he uses. All his poems represent novelty in Albanian poetry, as does all his lyrical poetry. Agolli has also achieved a culminating success in laying out the themes and the sublimation of ideas expressed through the types of lyric poetry we are now considering, such as ballad, ode, and elegy.