Categorization Of Students’ Systemic Thinking In Solving A Decision Making Problem

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Arif Djunaidi , Fauzan , Saihan , Siti Dawiyah Farichah


The purpose of this study is to explore categories in students’ systemic thinking in solving a decision-making problem. This study is an explorative study using a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were students of Teacher Education for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Department, the State Islamic University of Malang who applied in the education statistics course. Data collecting was done by using the think-aloud method and in-depth interviews based on the resulting paper on decision-making problems that had already been given to the subject. The instrument used in this study consists of two types, the main instrument, and the supporting instrument. The main instrument is the researcher himself. The supporting instrument in this study consists of a paper on decision-making problems, an audiovisual recorder, and a guideline for interviews. Paper of decision-making problems is validated by the expert in mathematics education and mathematics. This instrument is tested on students in order to get the criteria of empirical validation. Based on the result of this study there are three categories of systemic thinking, global systemic, pseudo-global systemic, and local systemic. 

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