Analysis Of The Current State Of Training Of Future Specialists In Physical Culture And Sports In The Conditions Of Distance Learning

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Olena Otravenko , Olena Shkola , Valeriy Zhamardiy , Olena Sokolenko , Olena Pavliuk , Oleksandr Hadiuchko


In the modern development of the education system in Ukraine, the problem of the quality of training of future specialists in physical culture and sports in higher education institutions is relevant. The aim of the study is to conduct an analysis of the current state of training of future physical culture and sports specialists in higher education institutions and online testing of students on the effectiveness of distance learning during forced quarantine. The research was conducted at State institution «Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko», State institution «Donbas State Machine-Building Academy», National University «Zaporizh Polytechnic», Communal institution «Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council during 2019–2022 academic years. Research methods: theoretical; empirical: questionnaires, surveys, pedagogical testing and observation; experimental: ascertaining, formative and control stages of pedagogical experiment, methods of clarity; methods of mathematical statistics. The educational direction of the organization of the educational process provided for the improvement of the content of following educational disciplines: «Theory and methodology of children’s and youth sports», «Olympic and professional sports», «Management of the activities of sports organizations», «Theory and methodology of physical education», «Adaptive physical education», «Theory and methodology of sports training», «Sports-pedagogical improvement in the chosen sport», industrial (pedagogical) and coaching practices, based on modular and interactive tools for the development of professional training of future physical education teachers and teacher-trainers.

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