Green Marketing Practices To Enhance Business Performance By Competitive Advantage As Mediating In Smes In Malaysia
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Effective marketing has become a potentially precious way to boost competitiveness and BP in institutions.
This paper aims to assess for CA and BP the effects of Green Marketing Practices.
A quantitative approach is used to obtain data from a survey (questionnaire) consisting of 33 items with a five-point Likert scale. The unit of analysis is small and medium companies in Malaysia. The respondents in this paper are the managers of departments.
Smart PLS 3.2.9 was used to analyze the results. The findings of the path analysis of partial least squares (PLS) support variables in their hypothesized direct relationships with BP.
The analysis results suggest that CA partially mediates the relationship between GMP and BP. The paper provides many suggestions that are helpful both for researchers and policymakers to undertake more research in this area as well as to enhance the CA and BP of institutions in the future.