Gender Roles Of Philippines State University Officials In The Implementation Of Gender And Development Programs

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Precious Mae C. Gabato , Nichole Lucero , Danilo Vargas


Since gender discrimination is one of the most pressing issues in the country, university officials are expected to take part in promoting gender equality and sensitizing the whole institution. The University Gender and Development Office (UGADO)  aims to promote gender mainstreaming among students, and other people inside the institution. The purpose of this study is to determine the gender roles of university officials in the implementation of the University Gender and Development programs. This study aims to find out if these officials are actively enforcing Gender and Development (GAD) perspectives while doing so. Fifty university officials and GAD Focal Point System (GAD FPS) members served as respondents to the study, 32 university officials and 18 GAD FPS members. The majority of the respondents were involved in the implementation of GAD programs. The study revealed that the roles undertaken in the implementation of GAD programs were dominated by womyn. The study also aimed at describing the status of GAD programs. Presently, only four (4) staff are assigned in the GAD office. UGADO has conducted numerous pieces of training, orientations, and seminars; has funded several programs and researches, and produced several Information Education and Communication materials regarding Gender and Development perspectives. Results of this study show that despite the effort of UGADO to sensitize the entire institution, the university officials have very little assistance in the implementation of its programs and the very high amount of female involved reveals a gender imbalance in the application of these programs.

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