The Impact Of Organizational Improvisation On The Quality Of Decision-Making For Senior Leaders In The Ministry Of Planning

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Hala Sahib Abdul Sattar , Mi'ad Hameed Dhaher


The current research aims to verify the impact of organizational improvisation with its dimensions (speedy responding, reconfiguration, novel solutions) on the quality of decision-making in its dimensions (decision-making approach, decision-making culture, decision-making competences, decision-making style) through data collected from (34) Individuals representing leaders (directors of departments and heads of departments) in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning. The hypotheses were tested using the statistical methods represented by (sample t-test, CV variation coefficient, regression analysis) and most of the practical results proved the validity of the hypotheses that were developed and on the basis of which a number of recommendations were formulated, most notably the adoption of modern practices to develop the philosophy of organizational improvisation within the investigated ministry compared to the practices Ordinary activities under emergency conditions contribute to building creative ideas and capabilities that contribute to quality decision-making.

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