The Effect Of Electronic Banking Service On Customer Satisfaction: Evidence From Commercial Banks Of Ethiopia Operating In Hawassa City Administration

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Sintayehu Zeleke and Dr. Sapana Chauhan


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of e-banking service on customer satisfaction with reference to commercial bank of Ethiopia in Hawassa city Administration. The study was an explanatory research design with quantitative research approach. The structured Likert scale-based questionnaires were distributed and collected from 343 E-banking service users out of 400 respondents. This implies the response rate of 85.57% that indicates all more than half respondents were participated in the process of data collection.  Results of the study revealed that among the six independent variables such as service reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, tangibility and convenience. Five variables such as responsiveness, empathy, convenience, reliability, and assurance has the positive effect on customer satisfaction in the study area.  Whereas variables like tangibility has no effect on customer satisfaction. As a result, the researcher concludes that e-banking service quality has positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Based on findings of this study the researcher forwarded the possible recommendations to commercial bank of Ethiopia operating in Hawassa city Administration   in order to improve the service quality more than the current status to improve customer satisfaction.

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